Monday, September 17, 2007

Oreo Cakesters

My husband is the guy to send to do your grocery shopping! Tonight he came home with the new Oreo Cakesters without me even asking for them. So, of course we broke our "no desserts on the weekdays" rule and tried the little cookies out. They were delicious - a perfect way to end the day! I might have to send him by himself more often.

I've noticed lately that I've been mentioning food quite a bit, all of it being unhealthy. I would just like to say that I do eat healthy foods as well, but they just aren't much fun to talk about. I mean, does anyone want to hear about my hatred of carrots and that I force myself to eat them every day for lunch? That's what I thought.


teacherwoman said...

I had carrots with my lunch today too! Ha!

Last week I steamed veggies...carrots, red and green peppers, and brocoli... that might make a good post, right?

I eyed those cakesters the last time I was in the cookie isle. Maybe I will purchase them for the next birthday on my caseload. That way I can try them, but keep them at school...hehehe:)

Girl of Approval said...

My mom had one of them. It was fabulous!