Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Favorites

My husband and I bought the appliances for our house yesterday. Can you guess which ones I was most excited about? I can hardly wait to try these babies out!

In other household news, my husband and I met with our builder again today. When asked when the building will begin, he darted around the question like usual. He has previously given us a closing date (no starting date, though) of the first week in December. For some reason, I don't see that happening. My gut is telling me it's going to be later, much later. That's okay; we're in no rush. It will be fun to raise my children while living with my parents!


Anonymous said...

ooh those are nice. My future in-laws have a washer and dryer kind of like that. I like the extra storage in them for soap and stuff.

At least you'll have some extra hands to help with your future children. ;)

Steve Stenzel said...

HA! Funny photo! Enjoy your new toys!!

teacherwoman said...

love the pic! Of course those are your favorite!

Kerri Farley said...

WOW! Those are fabulous! I might even learn to like laundry if I had those :)