Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy Life Day

Today is Life Day, the holiday my sister created seven years ago and my family has been celebrating ever since.

On November 28, 2000 my sister was in a car accident that involved her sliding off a hilly road, flipping her car upside down, and coming to a stop in a small creek. She left the scene with nothing but a scratch but it could have been a lot worse and she realized how lucky she had been to walk away.

The following day she sent out an email to friends and to tell them about the accident and remind them to never take life for granted. She asked us all to stop and think about our lives and to focus on those things we were thankful for, to remember that no matter how bad things may get we're very lucky to be alive.

May everyone have a wonderful Life Day!


teacherwoman said...

I remember that... chilling.

Kerri Farley said...

Glad all worked out well for your sister! I had a health scare earlier this year and it has changed my ENTIRE perpective on life and living.

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Anonymous said...

There are some things that you never forget to be thankful for, and this is one that I am thankful for every day. I love "Life Day!"