Thursday, November 1, 2007

Conferences - Round 1

I survived the first night of fall parent-teacher conferences. Other than the dad who tried telling me there was no way I was on time for work everyday (of course he's right - in fact, some days I don't even bother showing up) and the mom who started crying when telling me about her daughter that was killed two years ago (what do you say to that?), the night went pretty well. Let's hope round two goes just as smoothly.


Kerri Farley said...

I admire teachers so much. My two sisters are teachers, and my mom was a teacher's aide. I definitely didn't get that gene! I don't have the patience. And Wow - dealing with a distraught parent over the loss of a child... I would have no idea what to say.

Good Luck with Round 2!

teacherwoman said...

Luckily we haven't started conferences.. that will be next thursday and the following monday. Let's just say I am not really looking forward to them! You never know what could happen!