Monday, October 8, 2007

Pink Circle

As I approached the last row of 7th-graders to check their planners, the little boy in the last desk raised his hand. "Mrs. W." was all he said and he pointed to the floor. I looked down and saw a circle of pink. At first it didn't register until I looked back at the boy and he said "I think I'm going to throw up again, can I go to the bathroom?" The boy was as white as a ghost and looked just miserable for having already lost control in my room. I sent him to the bathroom and contacted the office regarding the incident. Several minutes later "vomit absorber" was sprinkled on the carpet and TWO hours later, the mess was completely cleaned up. Needless to say, my morning was not filled with pleasant smells. The worst thing about it is the boy was two feet away from a garbage can. Poor kid.


teacherwoman said...

Kids are amazing, aren't they?

P.S. I wanted to comment on your post about you grades K-6 photos... if you think yours are bad... do you really want me to post mine?! ha!

Kerri Farley said...

YUCK! But sometimes it works that way... can't control it. I remember driving home from work one day when I was about 19..... and I threw up all over myself while I was driving. I couldn't even get the window down.... I know, I know - TMI!

Yuck Again!