Tuesday, July 21, 2015

101 in 1001, Round 2 - 100 Happy Days, Days 37 Through 45

Days 37 Through 45 of the 100 Happy Days Challenge!  (Descriptions left to right, top to bottom.)

Day 37:  My two-year anniversary at work.  I love my job and the people I work with; so lucky!

Day 38:  Lunch date on the patio with two wonderful friends.

Day 39:  When your husband brings you home a Brownie Batter Blizzard from Dairy Queen.

Day 40:  What I thought was a weed is actually the plant my husband and I planted several years ago.  How lovely are those pretty white flowers?

Day 41:  When I stumble upon gems like this.  Pretty sure I need to buy it!

Day 42:  The excitement of starting a new book!

Day 43:  Ice cream treats at work.  Yum!

Day 44:  Looking through old photos and reminiscing.  This picture was taken in 2006 in Wiconsin Dells on the first vacation Mitch and I took together.

Day 45:  This furry little butt.

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