Monday, July 20, 2015

101 in 1001, Round 2 - 100 Happy Days, Days 28 Through 36

Days 28 Through 36 of the 100 Happy Days Challenge!  (Descriptions left to right, top to bottom.)

Day 28:  Burgers and onion rings (plus the super yummy onion ring dip) for dinner.  Hit the spot!

Day 29:  Beads of water on the deck from afternoon rains.  I will never tire of looking at water droplets.

Day 30:  Christmas in July at the thrift store!

Day 31:  Watching this pretty little guy - I believe he's an American Goldfinch - fly around the backyard.  I wish I would have had my good camera ready to capture his beauty.

Day 32:  Prints ordered for my library!  I love Etsy!

Day 33:  Spending the holiday with family.

Day 34:  The sign my father-in-law put in his front yard.  SO.APPROPRIATE.

Day 35:  My cousin's wedding invite came in the mail.  Hands down the  most unique and fun invitation I've ever received!  I could think of a more perfect way for these two writers to do this!

Day 36:  My dad received the "Safe Helmet Award" for having his helmet on when he hit a deer on his motorcycle going 70 mph back in April. So proud he takes safety seriously!

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