Saturday, July 18, 2015

101 in 1001, Round 2 - 100 Happy Days, Days 19 Through 27

Days 19 Through 27 of the 100 Happy Days Challenge!  (Descriptions left to right, top to bottom.)

Day 19:  My little gnome collection.  (This year I decided to display my gnomes inside the house.  I needed some summer decorations around the place and I didn't want to put the gnomes outside where they would slowly but surely get ruined by the elements so it was an all-around win-win situation!  I wish I would have thought of it sooner!)

Day 20:  Watching Crickett and Rizzo trying to help themselves to a treat from the open treat jar offered to them.  They were not successful.  They also didn't understand teamwork.

Day 21:  A beautiful evening walk with my little family.

Day 22:  Enjoying the Red Vines licorice Mitch had waiting for me when I got home from work.

Day 23:  An Etsy message that my purchases have been shipped!

Day 24:  The sunset after tonight's storm.  Mother Nature sure is a talented artist.

Day 25:  My tiny gnome homes are here (already!)!  Absolutely giddy!  They are so marvelous!

Day 26:  Basking in the morning sun with my fur-baby.  (Before yelling at her to stop rolling in bird poop!)

Day 27:  Finally getting photos from my cousin's bachelorette party and bridal shower (both in May!) uploaded to Facebook.  I love sharing memories!

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