Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday Smile

Why I do Sunday Smile . . .

For as long as I can remember, my dad has been a comic guy. He cuts out comics that he enjoys and shares them with others he feels will enjoy them as well. During my college years (round 1), my dad sent me letters along with clippings of comics that he thought I would find humorous. It was always fun getting that fat envelope in the mail and I displayed my favorite strips around the desk in my dorm room. My dad still shares his favorites with me on Saturday mornings when Mitch and I meet him and my mom for breakfast. It's still a fun activity and I thought I would continue my father's passing of smiles onto you all.

Happy Sunday!

Mutts by Patrick McDonnell

1 comment:

amber said...

That is a great tradition!

I love the comics you post too!