Monday, June 9, 2008


I turned 27 a week ago today. While it wasn't surprising - 27 does come after 26, after all - it is still hard to believe I'm this age already. I remember thinking when I was young that those in their late 20s seemed so grown-up and sophisticated. I do not think I could be classified as either. Maybe that's what happens when you turn 28. We'll see. (Don't hold your breath.)

While things are definitely different than I ever thought they'd be when I turned 27, I'm enjoying the path life has taken me down. I'm happier than I've ever been and look forward to what the next year has to bring.


Anonymous said...

cool picture frame!!

I turned 25 in February and that was a huge deal. When I was in high school I couldn't even picture myself at 25.

I gotta say, I don't have too many complaints.

...a taste of me said...

I'm so glad you're happy sissy!

teacherwoman said...

Happy belated birthday! I konw what you mean when you said "things are definitely different then I ever thought they'd be when I turned 27" ... so true so true.

Kerri Farley said...

Happy Birthday!!

I always think I'm going to grow up soon....but at 41...I think I'll just remain a Kid!!

I am so glad that you are Happy and enjoying your life!! Not much more you can ask for than that!

Liz Harrell said...

Hmmm... I'm here to tell you that 28 did not make me more sophisticated or wise. Maybe next year, but I'm pretty sure 29 is going to make me depressed. :)

Happy Belated Birthday!

Girl of Approval said...

Happy Birthday. Good to know life is taking you on a journey you're enjoying.