Thursday, January 16, 2014

Google Today

In honor of Dian Fossey's 82nd birthday, here is what Google is displaying today (LOVE it!):

Dian Fossey was a zoologist best known for the two decades she spent studying and protecting the endangered gorillas of the Rwandan mountain forest.  While reading about Ms. Fossey today,  I learned that the movie I saw about her when I was very, very young - "Gorillas in the Mist" - is actually based on the novel she wrote; I had no idea! You can bet I will be adding her novel to my "must-read" list right now.  While I know it's going to be heartbreaking (I still remember how upsetting the movie was), I think it will be a fascinating read.

A wonderful photo of Ms. Fossey

and a beautiful quote from Ms. Fossey

"The more you learn about the dignity of the gorilla, the more you want to avoid people."

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