Tuesday, March 24, 2015

2015 Catching Up: February Tidbits

Welcome back to the second installment of "2015 Catching Up."  I will now share with you some of the random tidbits from the second month of this year.

In addition to Mitch having a birthday on the first of February, it was also some important day in football.  I was probably one of the only people who did not watch the Super Bowl (no, not even for the commercials); instead I watched the Puppy Bowl.  I laughed until my stomach hurt and tears ran out of my eyes; it was certainly one of the cutest things I've ever watched.  I'm sure it comes as no surprise to hear that I will be watching that program in the future while Mitch is watching "the big game."

On the second Sunday in February, I joined two girlfriends and my dad for an afternoon of ice skating.  I hadn't ice skated in ages and not since I'd grown accustom to the roller skates I'd had on my feet the past couple of years in roller derby.  I was definitely not as steady on ice skates or as comfortable with a sheet of ice under me as I was with roller skates on polished concrete but it was fun.  And while I was certainly awkward enough, I did not fall (which I'm thankful for mostly because I'm not sure how I'd get myself standing again)!  I'm hoping we make more outings next winter to the ice rinks.

Through one of my random searches on Instagram, I stumbled upon a photo of a cereal I had never heard of and definitely had to try: Cap'n Crunch's Sprinkled Donut Crunch!  It was everything I hoped it would be and I think it's safe to safe I'm addicted to the stuff.  I'm not sure our household will ever be without this cereal in our cupboard again.

On the third Friday of the month at an hour way past my bedtime, a group of girlfriends and I got together and bowled the night away.  Seriously, the "fun" bowling (black lights, hip music - you know, all that crazy awesome junior high/high school stuff) didn't start until 9:30pm!  At the end of the week I'm usually asleep by then!  Anyhoo, I had a blast despite the fact that my bowling ball and the gutter struck up a very close relationship the second frame of the first game and continued through our third and final game.  My scores (the lowest of all ten women) were as follows: 71, 62, and 55.  Looks like I won't be joining a league any time soon.

Mitch and I began our basement furniture shopping adventures.  We have now found almost everything we need but since the furniture was technically purchased in March, I can't say much more here in February tidbits.  Rules are rules. ;)  I will share photos of everything once our basement is complete.  I do want a photo to go with this tidbit, however, so here is one I took simply to show my dad.  I had to laugh when I saw this room display because the store had used a very similar brown paint color to the one Mitch and I used in our guest room, a color my dad can't say he likes very much.

And speaking of paint, I talked Mitch into re-painting the top half of my scrapbooking room to a color one shade lighter than what I had originally chosen.  The contrast is much more visible now and I'm much happier with the look; it's exactly what I wanted!

So there you have some of my random tidbits from February!  Stay tuned for the March installment!

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