Monday, November 16, 2015

Thankful Days 12 Through 16

Thankful Day 12:  Today I'm thankful for those little acts of kindness from strangers that put a smile on your face all day long.

This morning on my way to work I let a truck merge into my lane when no one else would, despite the fact that he was signalling and driving politely (that can't be said for most people at that time of day).  The driver merged over again and as we passed one another, he looked over smiling and gave me a thumbs-up.  It's all about small gestures to make each other's days a little brighter.

Thankful Day 13:  On heartbreaking days like today, I'm thankful for those who are spreading love instead of hate.  Sending prayers to Paris.

Thankful Day 14:  I'm thankful for all the laughter in my life.  I'm blessed to know so many people with such wonderful senses of humor.

Thankful Day 15:  I'm thankful I an do laundry from the comfort and convenience of my own home.

Thankful Day 16:  I'm thankful for the beautiful weather we are having this month.

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