Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge: Week 2

Life's Journey with a Smile

1. What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?
In all honesty, I didn't have a great week goal-wise and have next to nothing to report. I did limit desserts (not as much as I would have liked) and took Crickett for a couple of walks (not the three or more I wanted to get in), but that is about it. Needless to say, I'm not too impressed with myself. I'm going to shake off this disappointment, though, and have a great Week 2!

2. What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
I bought a pair of tights (aqua, leapord print!) to wear when I join my sister in roller-derby!

3. Is your mindset future-oriented or living in the now? How does this impact you when you are working towards a goal?
I think a lot about the future and where I want to be at a certain point in time.  It's easy for me to think about the little things that need to be done in order to accomplish the big thing, but following through with those little goals is difficult for me.  I run out of patience and just want to be at the finish line.

4.  Is there someone in your {real} life that inspires you to strive for the best?
My sister.  Not only does she inspire me by the things she does, she is never anything less than encouraging about the things I want to accomplish in my life. 

5. Fun Question of the Week: Do you read blogs on the individual websites or via Google Reader?
I enjoy going to the individual websites so I've never really had any interest in Google Reader.

Positive Picture:
It's so nice to see the sun shining today!  (Sidenote: I promise all my positive pictures won't be of Crickett!)


Jessica said...

Cricket looks happy to see the sun :)

The Sweet Life said...

Good luck with week 2. Week 1 was rough for my whole "saving money" goal, but it's a new week.

amber said...

You're joining roller derby?! AWESOME!!