Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Three Tuesday Tidbits (On Wednesday)

I had a few things I wanted to share yesterday but was too tired to get onto the computer to do so. I apologize profusely for keeping you waiting for these extremely important and informative thoughts. I hope you can forgive me.

  • I took my first accounting test Tuesday afternoon. I studied hard, was extremely nervous, but I think I did great. I'll find out my results on Thursday. I honestly don't think I've ever enjoyed a class as much as I have enjoyed this accounting course. It fills me with an excitement and happiness that I've never felt before.

  • I learned Tuesday evening that I do not like catfish. I love fish but this is one I cannot handle. My meal tasted exactly like the river smells. Ick, ick, ick.

  • Purse shopping is at the top of my "Worst Type of Shopping" list. It's up there with pants, my friends. It's not that I don't enjoy looking at handbags, but that's all the further any of it can go. The style, size, and material stars have yet to align for me and I'm left carrying around my "I've seen better days" purse.

    amber said...

    I'm glad that you are enjoying your accounting class!

    The smell of any kind of fish makes me gag.

    I hate shopping for pants. It is AWFUL!

    teacherwoman said...

    So happy to hear you are loving your class. I start my online chat session here soon and am super anxious! eeks!

    I struggle finding the appropriate purse as well, and oftentimes would rather have others pick one out for me. What's the deal? LOL

    Catfish is horrible.

    Karen said...

    Glad you like your class. I'm sure you did awesome on your test.

    I have a hard time eating catfish now that I've seen them up close and personal. Ew.

    I love purse shopping, but I'm like you... it's hard to find the right color, size and texture! I just barely got me a new hot pink one at Kohls after keeping my eyes open for one for months. It was worth the wait!

    Kerri Farley said...

    I hate shopping for anything! Except books :)

    I'm definitely NOT a catfish lover - add another "ick" in there for me.

    I'm soooo happy that you are enjoying your class!!