Saturday, January 31, 2015

101 in 1001, Round 2 - Update 1

I have officially crossed a task off my 101 in 1001 list!

Last Saturday I invited a few friends over and we enjoyed stuffing our faces with soups, dips, little smokies, macaroni and cheese, and even caramel peanut butter hot fudge cake out of crock-pots.  It was a great evening full of delicious food and wonderful company.  I may have to make this an annual event!

I forgot to take a photo of one other crock-pot and that bothers me (probably a little too much)!  Yes, I know, it's ridiculous and I need to get over it but just in case you were wondering it was a pretty red Crock-Pot brand slow-cooker.

The food was so delicious that none of these lovely ladies even seemed to notice me standing on a chair to get this picture.

Happy hostess at the end of the evening.

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