Monday, February 17, 2014

Las Vegas, Day One

Mitch and I got back yesterday from a week-long vacation to Las Vegas.  We had a good time on our trip but it was definitely nice to get back to the quiet calm of North Dakota (and our little fur-baby, of course!).  I figured I better start blogging about our trip right away before I forget everything and it ends up being a year or more later (*cough*Florida trip*cough* and *cough*Salt Lake City trip*cough* and *cough*Mexico trip*cough*).

Mitch and I arrived in Vegas late afternoon.  We spent our first day getting settled and wandering the strip.  That evening we visited the Paris Las Vegas and ventured up the Eiffel Tower.  The Eiffel Tower replica in Vegas is half the size of the original in Europe but that was certainly high enough for me!  We were 46 stories above the city and my palms were sweating, my heart racing; I hung on to the rail as much as possible.  It was a beautiful sight, though, and definitely not something you want to miss out on.

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